Funding Update 2023

Last year was an important time to gauge the community’s appetite to come on an electrification journey with us. And you showed us the appetite is ravenous - thank you! 

So we’re really excited that this is the year we will start putting ideas into action, and we’ve been busy behind the scenes. Here’s an update on where the project is at.

"Changed the National Dialogue"

While coal and gas prices are skyrocketing, renewables continue to break records and electrification has become the new buzz word for solutions. Hon Jenny McAllister, Assistant Climate Change Minister, said to Dr Saul Griffith that the Electrify 2515 community and his work have “changed the national dialogue”! In fact, electrification will be a key part of the Federal Government’s new policy on gas prices, which Saul and his team at Rewiring Australia are feeding into.

Congratulations goes to each and every one of you for getting behind this positive concept. Your support has been incredibly impactful beyond the 2515 boundary!

Pilot funding update

The funding application to ARENA is still progressing which is good news. There are many steps involved and more to go through before a final decision is made. We expect that to be in late March or so, and we are also seeking other avenues of revenue. 

There are 3 possible outcomes:

OUTCOME 1: A substantial amount of funding 

Aiming for an optimal pilot, this would allow us to offer subsidies for a range of appliances (eg. air conditioners, cooktops etc), including some batteries and EVs, to a large number of homes and businesses including low income homes. We’d also test new technologies like Home Energy Management Systems (HEMS) which allow houses to monitor and control their energy usage to maximise it in line with solar production.

OUTCOME 2: A smaller amount of funding

We would reconfigure our pilot plan to either include a smaller amount of homes/businesses, smaller subsidies and/or less items. It is unlikely to include bigger ticket items such as EVs and batteries.

OUTCOME 3: No funding

In this scenario, we would focus on organising group activities such as bulk buys of solar panels, heat pumps and/or EVs, which are a fantastic way to encourage large uptake with vetted suppliers and installers at a good price.

With all 3 options we are also working on these projects to further the pilot:

  • Working with council to encourage them to improve EV charging infrastructure and community rooftop solar.

  • Working with Rewiring Australia and businesses to develop education resources to guide homes on their electrification journey

  • Working with finance institutions to look at financial packages that assists with people affording the uptake of electric items.

  • Working with Endeavour Energy to investigate pole-mounted batteries and localised tariffs to reduce energy costs in the area.

  • Working with community, social and property groups to determine the best ways to include renters, strata properties and low income households.

NSW Government Announcement

Update: In late February the NSW Treasurer Matt Keane announced $8 million funding for up to 3 community electrification pilots. He made the announcement in 2515 noting the incredible work the community has done here to put this on the political agenda. Electrify 2515 will apply for this funding as well (the application process won’t be announced until after the NSW election).

What’s up first? Solar bulk buy!

The key to electrification is producing more renewable energy. Rooftop solar is the world’s cheapest way to produce energy and the payback period keeps improving. Solar power already receives a decent rebate from the government so is unlikely to be further subsidised. Stay tuned for more information about a solar bulk buy as the first step in our community electrification journey. 


Community Solar Rollout Launch


Project Update Dec 2022