Creating the electric future in a real community today.
We’re demonstrating the technological, social and economic viability of rapidly switching an entire neighbourhood to all-electric so decision makers can learn and assist every Australian on the path to a smart, electric future powered by renewables.
The research
We know the future is electric, but how to get there quickly and effectively is something we are still figuring out. To electrify Australia’s 11 million diverse homes will require understanding how to remove friction points for customers, make the process more cost effective and simpler, as well as integrating smart energy devices with local energy grids. By electrifying homes in our real community, we can speed up this process and develop crucial insights for this to be done effectively across Australia.
“Many talk about the transition to an all-electric future, but with Electrify 2515, we’re putting this vision to test in the real world.”
- Dr. Saul Griffith

What questions do we want to answer?
What factors influence household decisions to adopt electric appliances?
Do people change their behaviour when they are more aware of their energy use and solar production with the installation of a smart energy device?
What are the real world economic costs and savings for household electrification?
How and where can costs be reduced?
How can we make sure Australia’s tradespeople have the skills, knowledge, capacity and support that they need to deliver the electric appliances, homes and businesses of the future?
How can consumer electrification business models and offers be enhanced to drive faster deployment and greater uptake of electric appliances?
How are current tariffs, incentives and the current electricity market structure perceived by householders?
What implications does rapid residential electrification have for local grid power flows and augmentation requirements?
How can we encourage people to use energy when it’s cheap and readily available?
How does household electrification contribute to the reduction of carbon emissions in our communities?
The data
The Electrify 2515 Pilot is a practical research project using qualitative and quantitative methods to get a range of insights into household electrification. This valuable intel is being collected from:
Energy data - collected via smart energy devices in each participating household
Pricing and appliance installation data - collected via Brighte’s quotation and installation platform
Survey data - each participant will complete four surveys, before and after their participation in the pilot
Focus group and interview data - participants will be invited to join focus groups and interviews to share their experience and perspective
The approach
All research within the Electrify 2515 Community Pilot will adhere to the Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research and comply with our strict privacy policy. For more info on how we are ensuring we meet these responsibilities, please get in touch.
The results
The value of the research is in how it is shared and used by those that can drive electrification across the country. We are committed to sharing the results of the pilot with industry, government and communities across the nation.

“Australia is already leading the world in rooftop solar, and initiatives like this will help us set the global standard for clean, consumer-friendly energy.”
— Dr Saul Griffith