2515 or not, everyone can benefit from electrifying their home.

As energy bills continue to climb, we can maximise Australia’s cheap solar energy by switching out our gas appliances for efficient, electric alternatives. Doing this reduces energy use and saves households thousands of dollars a year.

 Save thousands on energy bills

The average Australian household using gas for their cooking, hot water and heating could save up to $900 a year by switching their appliances to efficient electric ones. If they added rooftop solar that increases to $2500. With rooftop solar and a battery, they could save $3,100 a year. 

“One of the fastest and most effective steps we can take to reduce Australia’s carbon emissions is to electrify our households. ”

— Dr Saul Griffith

What is home electrification?

Our lights, dishwashers, fridges, phones and more already run on electricity, but there are still a lot of households in Australia that burn fossil fuels for water heating, space heating, cooking and driving. An electric home swaps those fossil fuel machines for more efficient electric equivalents and, if possible, adds solar panels to generate its own electricity and batteries to store that electricity for when it’s needed.

Residential electrification primarily focuses on 6 “machine” decisions made by households.

Six things to electrify

Hot Water Guide

Looking to replace your conventional hot water system with an efficient, electric heat pump? Check out our independent Hot Water Guide to walk you through the process.
