Project Update Dec 2022

A pilot for Australia

It is not just local 2515 residents who are excited about the idea of creating a Net Zero Emissions community. We've been invited to speak at events in Canberra, Sydney, South Coast NSW and Tasmania about how other communities can follow suit. Federal MP Allegra Spender invited us on a panel at a climate event in Wentworth last week and this week we're speaking with Bradfield residents. The project was featured on ABC's Frankly show, has been in a number of media articles, film enquiries and research proposals. Everyone wants to know how they can be as wonderful as all of you who make up our own community!

Gathering Support

Dr Saul Griffith and his Rewiring Australia team have been having a long list of meetings with local, state and federal MPs about how to pursue widespread electrification. Saul was invited by Senator David Pocock and met with Federal Climate Change Minister Chris Bowen and Deputy Climate Minister Jenny McAllister and others. 

Electrify 2515 is also consulting with Wollongong Council to see how we can work together on achieving both Council's emission reduction targets, and our own. Initial engagement with our state and federal MPs is taking place as well. Also a big shout out to the local business and organisations who joined our forum last month and offered some valuable insights - we look forward to continue working with you all.

2515 Pilot Update


So what does all this mean for the pilot? Rewiring Australia, with input from Electrify 2515, are in the process of putting in a big funding proposal to The Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA), which is not due to receive a response until some time in the first quarter of 2023 (perhaps February/March, but we'll keep you updated). They're also consulting with other potential funders and collaborators.

To take on a community-wide electrification project, that is effective, equitable and viable, is a complex task so a lot of research, meetings and consultations are taking place.

Some of the big ideas we're currently exploring include:

  • A community energy co-op

  • Community solar arrays

  • Community battery 

  • EV charging stations

  • Appliance bulk buys

  • EV carshare scheme

  • Renter/strata models

And more! As you might imagine, taking on a world-first pilot project such as this is no small feat and there are a lot of balls in the air. What is clear though is community support is essential if we are to turn the exciting idea of a net zero emissions community into a reality. So thank you for your support to date, we hope you can keep the enthusiasm going with us!

If you have any questions or comments about the above big ideas or otherwise, we'd love to hear from you as always.

Have a safe and happy holiday season with your loved ones and we look forward to connecting with you again early next year.

With thanks,

The Electrify 2515 Team


Funding Update 2023


Local Business Forum 22 Nov