Electrify everything!

If we electrify our homes, cars and businesses we can tackle our climate crisis while locking in ongoing energy bill savings.

While fossil fuel prices of gas, coal and oil continue to climb, Australia is lucky to have the worlds cheapest form of energy in the form of our rooftop solar. When we maximise that cheap solar energy by switching over our gas appliances and petrol cars, we can save thousands of dollars a year, create healthier homes and neighbourhoods and save on energy costs.

Six things to electrify:

  • Rooftop solar

    Solar panels mean your home can generate its own power. Rooftop solar electricity is about five times cheaper than grid prices.

    View our Solar Rollout

  • Hot water

    Heat pumps are the most efficient way to heat water for bathing, washing up, etc. Heat pumps use around a quarter of the energy required by conventional hot water systems.

    View our Hot Water Guide

  • Heating

    Typical reverse-cycle air conditioners are the most efficient way to heat your home, using just 25-30% of the energy required by conventional gas or electric systems.

  • Cooking

    Induction cooking uses around half the energy required by fossil fuel methods. Not only is electric cooking cheaper, it also saves your household from harmful gas stove pollutants known to cause respiratory illness.

  • A home battery

    Solar panels can charge up a home battery while the sun shines. Then the battery can help power your home through the evening. (You're still connected to the grid for cloudy days when you need more energy.)

  • An Electric Vehicle (EV)

    Electric Vehicles are the most efficient cars. EVs convert more than 77% of electrical energy into power. Petrol vehicles convert only 12-30% of petrol energy into power.

Ready to get started?

View the Household Electrification Guide